When is a question considered stupid?

I recently saw somewhere that someone had described me as “a little bit sassy and inconsiderate”. That’s probably quite true, but did they ever stop to consider why? It was probably written by someone who was at the receiving end of a very sarcastic email, or perhaps misinterpreted one of my class emails. It’s possible. If someone thinks I’m sassy, that’s okay, because it does allude to “full of spirit”, which I’m okay with. Inconsiderate? I doubt it, and if it happened it’s likely because the person was themselves being inconsiderate to their fellow students. It happens. It’s also likely it came about because someone asked a stupid question. So what’s a stupid question?

  • Any question asked that is covered by material in the course outline, content, or assignment specifications – If someone can’t be bothered reading the material, don’t expect the answer to be without some level of sarcasm included. It’s a students responsibility to actually read the material.
  • Any question related to the material in class emails the student couldn’t be bothered reading – Class emails exist for a reason, so everyone gets the same information. If you can’t be bothered reading the emails, don’t ask questions that were answered in them.
  • Any question asking for “clarification” – If a post or email says “write an original article”, don’t send an email requesting clarification on what an “original article” is. Instructors dislike repeating anything that is already written is clear English. If you don’t understand what words mean, Google them.
  • Any question that is already answered in the FAQ – FAQ’s exist for a reason, namely to avoid repeating the same thing ad infinitum. If a person isn’t bothered to read the FAQ, why should the instructor answer the question.
  • Any question that asks for an extension for non-medical grounds – If you don’t have a solid rational for asking for an extension, then don’t. People that ask for an extension because there are two days left before the due date and they haven’t started yet are being inconsiderate towards those students who actually worked to get the assignment finished on time.
  • Questions that arise because they got a poor grade for an assignment they did not actually follow the criteria for. “But I thought I’d do it my way”, just doesn’t cut it.

Look, maybe I had more patience once. Nowadays it just seems like some people are too lazy to read (or do) anything themselves. It’s easier to email the prof… and then they wonder why they get a sarcastic reply. At some point you have to take responsibility for your own education. I’m more than happy to answer any question that is inquisitive, or help with any problem students have. But I am growing a little tired of students that need to be spoon fed all the way through a course, and can’t even be bothered to follow the most basic of instructions.

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